Sunday, April 24, 2011

Conformal projections

Conformal projections

A conformal projection is a type of map projection that keep the true shape of the area as much as possible using different conic projection methods. As you can see the areas that have the most similar sized circles maintain the most accurate true shape.

Map Projection

Map Projection

The above image is a simple example of a map projection of the world. It is a basic and general perception of the world. 



A GIS map is a projection of a geographic information system through the use of satellite imaging and other technologies. When you use a GIS map, you are also choosing to use a geodetic datum. The image above is a demonstration of satellite imaging through the use of GIS technology that allows a viewer to accurately see a certain region or area that is being looked at.

Geoid Map

Geoid Map

Geodesists devised geoids, mathematical surfaces that can be used to establish and standardize vertical (elevation) positions. A geoid subtracts out the deformation of the crust due to rock density and gravity. Different colors are used ti demonstrate the different elevations and land distortions on this map. The map above shows how different parts of the earths surface vary in elevation through the use of saturated colors of blue, green, orange, yellow, purple, and so forth.



An ellipsoid map is a type of map projection that allows a viewer to get an accurate perception of certain characteristics such as elevation or precipitation of a specific area or region.  



GPS is a global positioning system that allows a user to accurately view a specific location of something at a specific time. Usually used to see where you are and how to get somewhere. The map above shows what a GPS image looks like when a user activates their GPS device.

Satellite Map

Satellite Map

A satellite map is a map that projects a satellite image take from outer space. The photo above is an example of a satellite map because it is a image that was taken by a satellite.